2020 Day trip to Foynes with RTA Kildare

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It’s always great to start a New Year with travel plans – and who better to get us on the road than Ms Travel herself, RenaMcAllan. RTA Kildare will take to the road in 2020 for a day trip to Foynes, in Co Limerick.

Places are booking fast so get you name down!!!!! Phone Rena 086 8252164

Leaving Naas at 8am and collecting in Newbridge about 8.30, our bus will hit for stop 1 just outside Birdhill – the renowned Matt the Thresher for morning coffee and maybe a scone or a biscuit!

Then on to Foynes where there’s a wide range of exhibitions – Flying Boat Museum, The Aviation Museum, The Irish Coffee Experience (I’m sure there’ll be a few sampled!!!), the Maureen O’Hara exhibition and a chance for lunch in O’Regans Restaurant. There has to be something to suit everyone’s fancy – I’m particularly looking forward to the story of the Colleen Bawn and the Ghost ships!!! and an Irish Coffee of course.

We return home through Limerick city, taking in St John’s Castle with its new interactive touring facility.

We’ll be well ready for a two-course Dinner after that back in Matt’s in Birdhill before hitting for home. ETA about 9 o’clockish!!!!

We might even raise a song or two on the trip!!!

All this for €60 (RTA are sponsoring the bus – Thanks Madam Treasurer and our generous committee!) so fee covers entry to all attractions, morning coffee, dinner and tips. Money will be collected as you board the bus in the morning.