Kildare Committee 2025

Retired Teachers Kildare Committee 2025

Committee image cropped 3

Chairperson: Michael Minogue

Vice Chair: Bernadette Doyle

Secretary: Anne Rogan (083 429 8713)

Assistant Sec: Maura McAuliffe

Treasurer: Fidelma Farrell

Auditors: Carmel Gleeson


National Executive Committee (NEC)

Ms Charotte Maye

President; Ms Máire Ní Chuinneagáin Vice-President; Ms Mary McCarthy Ex President

Mr. John O’Brien

General Secretary


Staff RTAI Head Office

The RTAI Office which is located within the INTO building on Parnell Square, Dublin 1 has two permanent staff:

Mr. John O’Brien is the Association’s General Secretary since 1 July 2023.

Ms. Siobhán Desmond is the Office Administrator. Siobhán has been with the Association since 2010.

Ms. Patricia Byrne also works with the Association in the office, also on a part-time basis.





Kildare is in District 6

Our representative on the NEC for 2024/2025:  Ms. Noeleen Rooney