I’m always delighted when called to sub at ARTI meetings – it’s a great opportunity to meet up with retired colleagues, many of them who were fellow INTO campaigners. It’s also great to see Croke Park from a different vantage – my usual is Hill 16.

The Annual Congress on Tues 12 was particularly interesting. Following welcome from outgoing President, Mary McCarthy, we were addressed by inspirational speaker, Nuala Moore. Nuala is one of the most recognised swimmers in the cold water world, rather than racking up records, however, she viewed the swimming journey as a constant building of character and exploration. She attributes her spirit of courage and adventure to the freedom of her childhood

INTO Vice President, Carmel Browne (previously CEC rep of our District) assured us of continued INTO support particularly in pension parity.

RTAI member, Ursula Knox and her husband whose organisation Opportunity Knox  has forged links with the village of Tiira in Busia, Eastern Uganda. There, they work with families to relieve poverty and provide education to the poorest children.

RTAI General Secretary Designate Appointed | RTAI Ireland

After coffee break, General Secretary, John O’Brien addressed the meeting with the Public Sector Pay Talks central to his presentation. If supported by unions there will be 2.25% increase to salaries backdated to Jan ’24, June and Oct 1% increase and two further increases in Feb and June 2025. Most importantly pension parity wull be maintained. Everyone at meeting acknowledged that while inflation has been reduced, there is still a wide gap between money in and money out!

A variety of motions were proposed and debated. All of them wete adapted and will probably be listed (and explained) in next Comhnasc:

  1. Statutory bodies should continue to accept cheque/cash
  2. Increase in substitute payment rate
  3. Training for Branch Secretaries
  4. Inter-branch Networking
  5. Changes in rates and age thresholds for ARFs
  6. Increase to Branch funding
  7. Review of Life Cover benefits
  8. New Head Office post responsible for data base, web campaigns, benefits, social media platforms, training, payment in line with C Service grades


About | RTAI Ireland

Charlotte Maye was installed as our new President, with Maire Ní Chuinneagáin Vice President  for 2024/25