February flat walk

From our flat walk organiser, (and intrepid weather forecaster!!!) Maura McAuliff:

We were blessed with the weather on Wednesday last for a lovely canal walk of nearly 14km in total, along the Grand Canal/Barrow Blueway.




We started with coffee and had a quick stop at the monument erected to Gerard Manley Hopkins who visited the town regularly as a nature escape from Dublin in the 1880s.




The canal walk is scenic and leads to Fisherstown Pub which is a picturesque, thatched gem. The inside is like a museum.





One notable piece is the old “mangle” – who remembers feeding sheets and towels through one of those in your childhood?




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February flat walk

Message from our leader, Maura

Next Walk:
According to the forecast, the best day next week is Wednesday February 12th. So we will go with that.
Meeting Monasterevin at ALFINA cafe between 10:15 and 10:30. We will start walking at 11:00 sharp.
Route is along the canal from Monasterevin to Fisherstown; break for lunch there and then walk back again.
Alfina cafe is on the way into Monasterevin on the left hand side, just past those big derelict buildings on your right – delicious coffee etc. There is on-street parking just past the cafe and turn right. We will walk from there.
The walk is about 7km max one way. It’s perfectly flat with a good surface – runners are fine. Don’t let the distance put you off; we will have a good lunch break rest before walking back.
The owner of Fisherstown pub will open up specially for us – so we can use the toilets and get tea/coffee (compliments of RTA). Bring your own sandwich as he doesn’t do food.
The pub is well worth a visit – it’s like a museum! Alfina cafe will be expecting us – but the RTA will NOT be paying for whatever you have there!
Let me know if you plan to walk. As usual try to car pool. It’s about 35 minutes from Naas and very handy for those coming from Newbridge.

Some upcoming activities


RTA dance class resumes on Wednesday 29th January, Town House Hotel, Naas @10.30am. All are welcome.


Writer John McKenna will give a talk Monday 17 th Feb, at 11am – 1pm, Naas Library, entitled ‘The Writing Life’ from hobby to full- time job! An insight to one writer’s journey. There will be a follow up Workshop later in the year.

Reply by WhatsApp if you would like to attend. +353 83 429 8713



C O U R S E  P R E S E N T E R  D R . P A D D Y M A D D E N

We hope to run the spring gardening course from 19th February to the 19th March.

The course will conclude with a guided walk of the Botanic Gardens by Paddy Madden on Sat. 22nd March.

COURSE DATES: (5 consecutive Wednesdays 11-1 pm)







LOCATION: Ardclough Village Centre, Ardclough,Co. Kildare

and Botanic Gardens.

Arthur Café open for tea/coffee/snacks.


Minimum 10 persons; Maximum 20persons. Payment during course.

BOOK A PLACE: maddenpac@gmail.com


Happy New Year to all our members
Some dates for the diary:

1. Reminder about the RTAI National Social Choir (this was first posted last October on RTA WhatsApp – refer back for more details)

Remember how to get involved:

  1. Email rtainationalchoir@gmail.com
  2. express your interest and
  3. receive the music.

Our Kildare branch is having a meet up to practise the songs in the Moat Theatre on Tuesday 21st January 2025 at 11am followed by tea/coffee and chat.

Would love to see you there if you have signed up for the choir

FEBRUARY OUTING: Ann Enright has provisionally booked a tour of Dublin Castle for 20 on Mon 10th of Feb.

€7.50 oap rate. Payable on day,

Followed by Lunch and a film hopefully in the Irish Film Centre (IFI), depending on times.

You can let Anne know by reply if you are interested in these activities.
Kind regards,

Anne Rogan 083 429 8713

Secretary Kildare RTAI

January Flat Walk

Hi folks. Happy New Year to all.

I know this is short notice for some but we need to watch the weather forecast in January. Next Wednesday 15th, looks really good so …..

Walk: a circular walk in Phoenix Park.

Meet: Heuston Station Ready To Walk at 11:00.

Aim to get to Heuston around 10:30; we can have a coffee and use the bathroom before setting off.

Public transport choices are – bus , train from Sallins, or Luas from Citywest or Red Cow.

Lunch options are either the Boat House or the Interpretive Center. Or bring your own and eat outside!

This is not a particularly long walk (8-10km?), good underfoot with lots to see.

Let me know if you’re coming. Maura



Taking weather into consideration, next Wednesday 11th Dec looks ok at the moment for our December/ Christmas Walk.

We are repeating the Arthur’s Way walk (section of), meeting ready to walk at Ardclough and walking along the canal to Hazelhatch and back.

Parking at the triangle near the church in Ardclough and also in the yard of the Community Center/Arthur’s exhibition.

If you’re early you should be able to get a coffee in the Community Center cafe.

It’s really good underfoot and 8km round trip. On the way back we will call into the Lyons Estate complex where you can buy coffee/lunch.

Maura says she’ll “tone down the history” this time – just a little bit for those who missed it in April.
Please let Maura know if you plan to walk via the Flat walkers app. And as usual pool cars if possible.

(Photos courtesy of Brian Fay)



Retiree, Maura McAulif (of KRT Flat Walkers fame) and Michelle Scott Lenehan are exhibiting some of their work  in Naas Library as part of Naas Art Group Annual Exhibition upstairs in Naas Library. Opening tomorrow 5th December, it will run until 21st December.

See a sample or two from each ….

The exhibition can be viewed both in Naas Library and in Naas Plaza