Happy New Year to all our members
Some dates for the diary:
1. Reminder about the RTAI National Social Choir (this was first posted last October on RTA WhatsApp – refer back for more details)
Remember how to get involved:
- Email rtainationalchoir@gmail.com
- express your interest and
- receive the music.
Our Kildare branch is having a meet up to practise the songs in the Moat Theatre on Tuesday 21st January 2025 at 11am followed by tea/coffee and chat.
Would love to see you there if you have signed up for the choir
FEBRUARY OUTING: Ann Enright has provisionally booked a tour of Dublin Castle for 20 on Mon 10th of Feb.
€7.50 oap rate. Payable on day,
Followed by Lunch and a film hopefully in the Irish Film Centre (IFI), depending on times.
You can let Anne know by reply if you are interested in these activities.
Kind regards,
Anne Rogan 083 429 8713
Secretary Kildare RTAI